Thursday, August 2, 2012

Chapter Ten: Coming Full Circle

The birds make their appearance for the final time. Billy realized that WWII in Europe is over, and is a free man. He sees the birds that Vonnegut mentioned in the beginning; the ones that break the vital silence after a massacre with "Poo-tee-weet?" This ending reminds me of another book, The Outsiders to be specific. It ends in a similar fashion. Ponyboy starts writing his story in order to pass his English class. This story (the end of the book) starts the way the beginning of the book did. The reappearance of the birds helped Vonnegut create a memorable ending and brought everything together nicely.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very interesting post. I didn't realize that the ending was so memorable. It is very true for it does leave the reader with a question.
